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Body Treatments



Spending all your free time at the gym and obsessively counting calories sometimes aren’t enough. When you’re finally ready to see your hard work pay off, tighten your skin and minimize your cellulite, we are here to give you the results you’ve always wanted. Our leading technology helps to decrease the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and cellulite, tighten loose skin and increase collagen production. We will guide you to discover safe, effective solutions that firm and tone your body with natural-looking results.

Body Contouring-BLK
Fat Reduction

Even with diet and exercise, most people have stubborn pockets of fat that seem impossible to lose. Today’s fat reduction procedures can treat both large and small problem areas with little to no downtime. These non-invasive treatments are designed to get rid of fat in trouble spots, like your abdomen, flanks, thighs, arms, and neck.

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Stretch Marks

Cellulite can occur at any age and on any body type and is caused by fat deposits that give the skin a dimpled or lumpy appearance. It is especially noticeable on the thighs and buttocks. If you are unhappy with cellulite on your body, then our anti-cellulite treatments can help you feel more confident in your body & overall appearance.

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Skin Tight Body-BLK
Skin Tightening

For years, the only way you could tighten loose, sagging skin on the body was by going under the knife, not anymore! Our non-surgical and minimally invasive treatment options work by using targeted energy to heat deeper layers of skin, which stimulates collagen and elastin production to gradually improve skin tone and texture.

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Brazilian Butt Lift

If you want a perkier rear end, you may be like thousands of other men and women who are considering a Brazilian Butt Lift. But we have a better option, the non-invasive Sculptra® Butt Lift uses an injectable filler to shape and define your buttocks.

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EMSCULPT is about building muscle and sculpting your body! Want a Sexy Stomach, a Non-Invasive Butt Lift, Toned Legs, Defined Abdomen, Sculpted Arms? EMSCULPT may be for YOU! The EMSCULPT is the only procedure to help both women and men build muscle and sculpt their bodies. In addition, the EMSCULPT creates the world's first non-invasive buttock toning procedure.

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